Menenangkan Suasana Dengan Pantun Yang Sudah Dbuat - of Dima. Ihh nyebelin time I suspected he was like the same guy ?? said with the face slightly open. Who told you to ask also the phone number he ??" I raise both .
and gave him a little smile on the lips half But you to please ?? Do not forget to sms him yaa! "Tia message to me.I thought for a moment pantun jenaka in his past musings siih I should first sms ?? Ahh why should I be ashamed? If I dared.
when else would I get close to my inner man is determined. Boring, lonely my handphone no one single person who called or just send me a message. I see one by one the names of friends in the phonebook. Nothing interesting .
to talk to me. When I see the name listed in your phonebook man, I feel like I say hello. Just for fun I tried to send a blank message to him. Pessimists may in reply gak yaa? Moments later my phone vibrate. I see the name of the person pantun cinta who sent a message to me. How glad I am, Men's reply to a message that I send.
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